Our fleet of buses and minibuses in Kazakhstan

We provide in Kazakhstan buses and minibuses of various sizes and classes capable to carry from 6 to 63 passengers. Vehicles of economy, business and luxury classes are available.

We can propose you the following categories of minibuses and buses in Kazakhstan:

Category: Bus

Capacity: 24-63 pax

Brands: Setra, Neoplan, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, etc.

Category: Minibus

Capacity: 10-19 pax *

Brands: Volkswagen Crafter, Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, etc.

Category: Minivan

Capacity: 6-8 pax + driver **

Brands: Volkswagen Caravelle, Mercedes-Benz V-Class, etc.

* Please note that some minibuses have a limited luggage area and, therefore, if you have a lot of luggage please provide details as we need to check if it fits well.

** The capacity of a minivan of business and luxury classes is limited to 7 pax + driver maximum.